Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Cop's Judgment Call

from ssgmarkcr


This is an wonderful example of the proper restraint cops need to use. It's also a wonderful example of how difficult that can be.

One thing I don't agree with is that a suspect who has his hands in the air can draw and fire on the cop before the cop can pull the trigger. The cop is already drawn and aiming at the suspect, presumably center of mass, right? How could someone with hands in the air draw, aim and fire before the cop can get a shot off?


  1. How could someone with hands in the air draw, aim and fire before the cop can get a shot off?"

    Simple, The cop is having to watch three guys. Plus people who decide to take on a cop with a gun isn't starting out in the good decision making department as it is. The people who make these decision aren't necessarily even looking to come out of the encounter.
    There seems to be a growing number of people who want to go out in a blaze of glory.

    1. Going out in a blaze of glory or doing suicide by cop proves my point. If a cop has his gun drawn and is aiming at the guy and the guy has his hands in the air, the cop is not in danger of being shot.

  2. It seems cops judgments have been deadly wrong lately. The fact that these cops have no charges against them doesn't surprise me at all and doesn't prove to me they did nothing wrong. The system protects cops to the point of knowingly putting liars on the stand.

    1. I thought this was an example of good cop behavior, didn't you?
